Message from Heidi Cook: January 4, 2022

Message from Heidi Cook: January 4, 2022
Posted on 01/04/2022
Dear Baldwin Community,

Our Baldwin Staff Equity Team is seeking additional members to be part of a Baldwin Equity Self-Assessment team this spring.

The commitment would be to attend a few meetings this spring (2022), during the time period while we are completing the Equity Self-Assessment between February and June. More details about the self-assessment can be found here.
View equity document >>

Our Equity Team is motivated to learn from this self-assessment, which is also a key initiative of the new CPSD Office of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.

If you are interested in the work of the Equity Team, and this self-assessment, please reach out to me or Susan as soon as possible. We will finalize our team by February 9th.

Our first meeting as the Equity Self-Assessment Team (including parents and community members) will be a virtual meeting on February 16th at 3:15 PM. The meeting times beyond that first meeting will be determined collaboratively.

We are seeking to build a team, consisting of a diverse group of educators, parents and community members who are committed to an opportunity to "...critically examine policies, programs, and practices that directly or indirectly impact students or staff [at Baldwin] relative to their race, ethnicity, gender, national origin (English Learners), language, disability, age, sexual orientation, sexual identity, religion, or other socioculturally significant factors.:" (From the MAEC Equity Audit introduction linked above, Page 1).

Members of the Baldwin staff Equity Team includes Ms. Heidi, Arkie Tassew (co-chair, currently on leave), Ben Geiger, Isun Malekghassemi, Lilli Martinez, Amy Diaz and Ayesha Hoda.

Heidi Cook
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