March is Read Across America Month!

March is Read Across America Month!
Posted on 03/07/2024
Dear Families,

Baldwin ReadingIn March, schools across the country focus on reading promotion. At Baldwin this year, we are challenging students to make small, personal reading goals and complete them. Each time a student turns in a completed reading goal sheet they get to add stickers to our school wide mosaic. We all can't wait to see what the picture will be! Mr. Roderick has some fun upgrades for the Friday dance parties to help us celebrate if we complete our picture!

A reading goal should be manageable - something a student can complete in a week or less. It should be personal to your student's needs. An example might be be to read to a parent three times, to finish a book or a few books, to read a nonfiction book, to listen to an audiobook on the way to school or during breakfast, etc. A student can read independently or can be read to by an adult or sibling. They can read in their preferred format (graphic novels, comic books, nonfiction, new articles, audiobooks, ebooks, etc.). Many students are setting their goals in school, but you can set them at home, too! Students can complete as many goals as they would like.

Please reach out if you have questions!

Happy Reading!

Karin Kugel
Baldwin School Librarian
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