Summer Learning 2019

Summer Learning 2019
Posted on 06/06/2019
Stories of Water

This year, the entire school will read books about water. Please read this book to your child or have your child read the book on their own. As your child enjoys their summer, you can connect these stories to your/their own lives. We are asking students to come to school in the Fall with their own story of water. These can be written in any genre (nonfiction, poetry, persuasive/opinion, and narrative.) Students can also add an illustration to their story. Stories will be published into a Baldwin book about water which will be housed in the Baldwin Library. Thank you to Friends of Baldwin for making this all possible. Details >>

What is Your Summer Reading Goal?
Every student set a summer reading goal with Ms. Kugel. They can bring their completed goal sheet to the public library to receive a certificate. Please support your child in finding time to read every day to reach their goal.

Summer Reading Tips for Parents
Avoid the "summer slide" that many students experience by encouraging your child to read 20 minutes every day. Just as in playing a sport or an instrument, regular practice is necessary in order to maintain skills and continue improving.
–Create a reading routine.
–Become a 'regular" at the public library.
–Read as a family - model the importance of reading for everyone in the family.
–Read aloud, even to older children. They are never too old to be read to.
–Read the book your child is reading and talk about it together.

Conversations Starters:
–Tell me about what is happening in your book.
–What do you think the author's message is?
–How would you describe the main character?
–What did you learn?

Blast Off to Summer Reading at the Cambridge Public Library
The Cambridge Public Library will launch readers into “A Universe of Stories” for its annual Summer Reading program in honor of NASA’s 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s historic moon landing. Summer Reading challenges children to set their own reading goals and to read toward them over the course of the summer. Children who reach their goal will receive a certificate from the Cambridge Public Library Children’s Librarian. Summer Reading activities for various ages will take place at all CPL locations. Parents and children can pick up a full list of Summer Reading activities at any branch of the CPL.

Summer Reading Kickoff Event:
Prismatic Laser Space Show
Wednesday, June 26 | 6:30 PM
Cambridge Public Library Lecture Hall
Enjoy a laser space show with dazzling laser animations synchronized to riveting music!

Summer Math Calendars

The math department has created summer math calendars to help students continue to practice their math skills over the summer. These math calendars were distributed to all rising 1st through 5th grade students.

Highlight math in every day activities. When shopping, help kids calculate change or discounts. When watching a baseball game, talk about what players' statistics mean. When cooking, try halving or doubling a recipe. When at the library, check out games from the library that promote math.

Here is the link to the math calendars >>

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