2017 Election Bake Sale is a Success!

2017 Election Bake Sale is a Success!
Posted on 11/13/2017
Election Day Bake SaleThank you to the EVERYONE who helped with the Election Day Bake Sale! A HUGE thanks to Nina Wootan Jeffrey for spearheading the sale. Thanks to Allison for helping with the pre-sales preparation. We are so very grateful to the parents who took time out of their day to help with the sale. Thanks to Rachel, Andrea, Louise, Valeria, Daniela, Audrey, Angela, Melissa M., Lindsey, Beth, Melissa R., Andrew, Katie and Annie. Thanks to the 'crock pot' gang, preparing very much sought after chili, soups, and stews. Thank you Ang, Angela, Audrey, Elisa, Lindsey, and Monique. There were beautiful 'giftable' treats. Thanks to Jascha and Lindsey for their jams, Andrea for her pies and chocolates, and to Cynthia for very popular vanilla loaves. Thank you to the baking crew. What an amazing selection of treats! Thank you to Allison, Bethany, Bob, Courtney, Cynthia, Ellen, Emily, Erin, Jennifer, Joanna, Judith, Karen, Kjersti, Krista, Lindsey, Marc, Melanie, Michelle, Muriel, Nina, Noelle, Rana, Sarah, Selma, Suzanne and Zoe. A special thank you to Sammy and John's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, as they went above and beyond. The neighborhood always looks forward to the amazing array of goodies at their polling place. We have a remarkable school community, who comes together for a very successful day. The funds raised go towards in-school enrichments, like the storyteller Tony Toledo, our upcoming spring author visit, subsidies for camping trips and scholarships for trips. Thank you to the Friends of Baldwin leadership for their resolute support!
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