Girls Who Code!
Thank you to parent Aran Nathanson for organizing a Girls Who Code Club for Baldwin 4th and 5th grade girls. On a recent session, three inspirational women in the IT field came to talk to the students about their profession, their passion, and how they got there. The visitors asked the students why they were interested in the Girls Who Code Club. Here are the student responses:
- One student went to a coding camp their father found and it was really fun, so when she learned that a Girls Who Code Club was going to be offered at school, she was very excited to sign up for it.
- Another said that her mom told her that she did not have this type of opportunity when she was young and it might be interesting.
- Another student said her dad got her a Raspberry Pi, a type of computer, and it was really fun. Later she went to a coding camp and loved it.
- Another said her parents thought she should get into coding. She was not too excited but learned her friends were going to go so she decided to try. Now she is very happy she did because she really enjoys it.
The visitors talked about about how programming is helpful in many ways. Programming and computers bring efficiency to our world. It helps to easily look at data. It is fun when humans and computers work together. We are always searching for new solutions to problems and programming is a very satisfying way to do that.
One of the visitors was asked what was her inspiration to start coding. When she was in college, the teacher had the class hand write a long paper. She did not want to hand write a long paper, so she wrote a program that took her typed essay and printed it in her handwriting. All she had to do was write the alphabet in upper and lower case, and then her program mapped it out.